Monday, January 16, 2017

30 paintings in 30 Days. day 16

Day 16 Wow!!  Over halfway.  I'm so happy I've made it this far.  
 Starting this coming weekend we will have our two grandchildren for a week. They are very active young people who (whom?  I'm never sure) we have to get to school, play  school, gymnastics, 
Tai Kwon Do, etc........All of it starting early in the morning (which I find Challenging ) and they have to be on time (Another of my challenges ).
   Wish me luck!  I do have to say that my husband is very  organized and on time and My daughter in law does it all the time.  

So here is today's pet portrait. This is Oreo, he is Oliver's brother who was featured a few days ago.  His toy is "Roadkill Racoon". Hehe. 

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