Monday, August 15, 2011

Window Painting at the Lloyd EX

Finished up the the LloydEx entrance this morning.  I would have stayed later last night, but their lights didn't come on and I couldn't see straight, either.

I am delighted how this side turned out.  The cowboy and his horse are roping a poor little hereford calf. 

The lettering is tricky.  I am thinking about each letter, and not how the word is spelled.  But I think I did OK!!  If anyone can find me a paintbrush with spellcheck, I would appreciate it.   The couple to the left are square-dancing.  I like the movement and the cowboy has a nice butt, thanks for posing, Roy!   The girl has a great outfit and she is supposed to be smiling........some things are harder to paint than others.  Painting at the RBC tomorrow.  If you drive by, say "Hi"

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