Friday, February 24, 2017

Where do I get these ideas???

I had committed to teach a class in a few weeks........

And I didn't have a clue what our painting would be.  The Collective Art Market, here in Lloydminster, is hosting a Sip and Paint Night and asked if I would facilitate it. I said "Yes", then Dawn asked me what we would paint.  
I had the hardest time coming up with a project.  I was brainstorming with my husband the other morning, and I said I wanted it to represent springtime.  We live in Canada, on the prairies, and winter is long.  I said Tulips, and my husband suggested clocks.  Click!!!  Put them together.  Yeah. Then he went to the store and bought me two bunches of tulips.  
Thank you, Dear. 
I painted one after the other. 
Blue Springtime 
Springtime III

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