Saturday, January 14, 2017

30 paintings in 30 Days. Day 14

Day 14. January 14th. 

Today's painting is of a handsome pup named "Ricky".  
   I used to work with Ron in my "other life" when I worked in banking.  He and his lovely wife Christine, are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.  Christine sent me a couple photos of Ricky , their " Granddog " to use in my 30 in 30 challenge. I noticed in the background of the photo, the decor of the room was what I would consider, Shabby Chic.  A white slipcovered wing chair, a a carpet with pink roses on it. So I decided to use  a loose rose background for Ricky's portrait. I also created a time lapse video of a portion of the painting and posted it on my Instagram page and my Facebook page. The link to my Facebook is on the sidebar here. 
Acrylic on canvas 

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