Michelle Lake Artist
Michelle Lake Artist Creator of the "Wings of Love" mixed media paintings
Monday, June 22, 2009
"Poplar Bluff"
24 x 36
16 x 20
acrylic on canvas
"Kitty Angel"
16 x 20
acrylic on canvas
piantings for sale
feel free to contact me at
if you would like to buy any of these paintings
"Full Bloom"
54 x 54
oil on canvas
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Father Gorman Library
a great prairie winter scene including the book "The Moccosin Goalie" by William Roy Brownridge.
Father Gorman Library
book a flight
Porquipine fish. AWWWW, so cute!
Father Gorman Library
Emily and Ada as the littlest mermaids.
Father Gorman Library
Summer in her little pink plaid coat.
Father Gorman Library
my daughter and her childhood friend with "Aslan"
Father Gorman Library
King Arthur is on his black horse, about to tangle with a beautiful dragon.
Father Gorman Library
This scene includes the "Little House on the Prairie" books.
Father Gorman Library
The very beginning of the mural. Jesus with the children. There are books in each scene, with the idea that a book can take you anywhere back in time, outerspace , under the sea, anywhere you can imagine!
Part of the mural.
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